WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (Moscow, Russian Federation)
A Special Session of the Regional Committee for Europe was called by Member States to discuss the NCD Office in Moscow and was held virtually on 15 May 2023. During this meeting, Decision EUR/RCSS3(2) was adopted to close this office. The office was closed on 24 November 2023 and all functions have been moved to the Regional Office in Copenhagen.


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WHO European Office for Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases, Moscow, Russian Federation: 2014–2023 report

This report provides a summary of the activities conducted by the WHO European Office for Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases (WHO NCD Office)...

Noncommunicable diseases and climate change: report of an expert meeting, Bonn, Germany, 1–2 December 2022

The WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of NCDs and the Centre for Environment and Health held an expert meeting to map the co-benefits...


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The sixth data collection round of COSI involves 35 Member States, and data collection is still ongoing in several countries.This fact sheet presents the...

In too many countries, the majority of women are diagnosed too late, multidisciplinary treatment and follow-up care are suboptimal, and supportive and...

The factsheet presents the latest epidemiologic data on Georgia's physical activity and undergoing policy process in developing a National Strategy for...

Childhood cancer inequalities in the WHO European Region 2022 report

For the first time, a report sets out the evidence on childhood cancer inequalities in the 53 countries of the WHO European Region. The report seeks to...


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