Nel Hydrogen Fueling with world’s first OIML certification for hydrogen dispenser system

(Oslo, 11 December 2020) Nel Hydrogen Fueling has been awarded the world’s first OIML R 139 certification for a hydrogen dispenser system.

“We are proud to announce the OIML certification for our 700bar hydrogen dispenser systems, positioning Nel as the world’s first hydrogen fueling company to obtain this certificate. Hydrogen has the lowest density of all gases making it one of the most challenging gases when it comes to accurate mass measurement. Nel has fulfilled the very strict requirements listed in this standard for measurement accuracy. The certificate is acknowledged internationally and simplifies the national approval process, providing an important step for standardizing the global roll out of hydrogen infrastructure,” says Michael Stefan, Senior Director Product Management in Nel Hydrogen Fueling.

International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) provides recommendations for certifications and Nel has received a certification under OIML R 139, an international model regulation which describes how to build a hydrogen mass measurement system for hydrogen fueling stations.


For further information, please contact:

Michael Stefan, SVP Nel Hydrogen Fueling, +45 30 59 71 57

About Nel ASA |

Nel is a global, dedicated hydrogen company, delivering optimal solutions to produce, store, and distribute hydrogen from renewable energy. We serve industries, energy, and gas companies with leading hydrogen technology. Our roots date back to 1927, and since then, we have had a proud history of development and continuous improvement of hydrogen technologies. Today, our solutions cover the entire value chain: from hydrogen production technologies to hydrogen fueling stations, enabling industries to transition to green hydrogen, and providing fuel cell electric vehicles with the same fast fueling and long range as fossil-fueled vehicles - without the emissions.