Transactions made under the repurchase program for Gram Car Carriers ASA

Reference is made to the stock exchange announcement from Gram Car Carriers ASA ("GCC" or the "Company") of 8 May 2023 and 16 May 2023, regarding the repurchase program of up to 300,000 own shares. The repurchase program is based on the authorizations given to the board by the Company's annual general meeting held on 12 May 2022 and 12 May 2023. The current repurchase program is valid until 31 August 2023.

The following repurchases have been made between 19 May 2023 and 30 May 2023 in accordance with the "safe harbor" rules, which includes a limitation of 25% of the average daily volume traded in the last 20 trading days:

Date Volume Average price Total cost (NOK)
19.05.2023      11,586 167.2762             1,938,062
22.05.2023        7,932 167.7789             1,330,822
23.05.2026      18,185 170.1771             3,094,671
24.05.2023      16,270 166.5785             2,710,232
25.05.2023      15,625 164.3662             2,568,222
26.05.2023        8,768 162.2245             1,422,384
30.05.2023      10,021 169.0625             1,694,175

Total previously published repurchases under the program:

Volume Average price Total cost (NOK)
         74,775 171.1268          12,791,249

Total repurchases under the program:

Volume Average price Total cost (NOK)
       163,162 168.8495          27,549,818

A detailed overview of all completed transactions under the repurchase program carried out during the above time period (19 May 2023 - 30 May 2023) is attached hereto. At present date, GCC owns 163,162 treasury shares in the Company, corresponding to 0.56% of GCC's share capital.

For further information, please contact:

CFO: Gunnar S. Koløen

Telephone: +65 9176 6661


Head of Projects and IR : Mas Gram

Telephone: +47 954 10 093


This information is published in accordance with the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) 596/2014 Article 5, as supplemented by delegated Commission Regulation (EU) 2016/1052, and is subject to disclosure requirements in accordance with the Securities Trading Act § 5-12.
